

Being in a relationship of any kind is
extremely difficult in this day and age
of falling in lust in five minutes to now
divorcing in ten, how much time do you
have and what do I get out of it? To be
honest I am not so sure that love even
really exist in the world that we all live
anymore. You see the thing is love is like
planting a tree, first it takes time and
consideration to decide what kind of tree
that you want, then where is it that you
want it to grow, real love and I mean
real love takes time to grow it needs to be
cared for and nurtured everyday to make
it work, they say it is easy to fall in love
yet it is just as easy to fall back out again
which is something I am quite the expert
in coming from four yes I said four failed
marriages I was on the ten year plan, to be
completely honest I may not like any of
them because how they done me but I
do and always will love them all there is
one however that has captured my soul
for real she tied it up and hide it from me
after doing the unspeakable to him for
weeks maybe months so now I am
looking for number five no lie if you think
you're up to it send a resume in video type
format and I just may give you a call but
I will tell you I am holding back on loving
anyone until she can remember all that we
had before because I guess when you have
been with an angel as she really is while
walking hand in hand through the fiery pits
of hell together just to be reborn with the
other as their memories and all of the words
become a part of you little that become
part of your own DNA until the day that you
die, then while you are in heaven you just
wait until you see them again so that you
can fall back down to earth all over again
then find each other meet make out then
fall in love have sex lots of errr i mean fool
around and last but not least fall in love get
married, the end, yeah right life Is way more
complicated than that I mean Hell we all
know that, it is a fact, that absolutely
nothing at all in this life ever is easy
except my ex wife.
Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.


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