A blind man cannot see

A blind man cannot see

A blind man cannot see what your race is
or the color of your skin, so I started thinking
that maybe we should all be blind so that we
can start to and try to understand where it
was all of this hate and resentment that we
have against each other had really started and
when it might end. We are all stuck living here
together on this rock that revolves around our
sun with one moon, we are all of one race on
this one planet it is called the human race, do
you all not wonder why it is we all cannot just
get along? I often wonder to myself since we
are all stuck here on this little planet, fighting,
hating, stealing, raping, hurting, killing one another,
why cannot we just stop it and instead all
have some fun. We have babies being born
around the earth everywhere each and every
single day, only filled with innocence and love
so why must we teach our children to hate and
violence? Why must they learn to kill off all
the white doves, we have wars and are fighting
everywhere over religion, land, greed, and skin,
we all need to stop for a few brief moments
and think about why. Because we were all
born of one God, one single race called the
human race, on one planet, called Earth when
it all first began.
A deaf man cannot hear all of the hate that we
spew so maybe we should all be deaf so that we
never knew what the words sounded like the

beginning with:

"I hate you, nigger, cracker, Queer, spick, faggot,
chink, beaner, stupid, fatso, dummy and more we
all look exactly the same from the inside out, we
all have one heart, two lungs, two eyes, two ears
and a mouth that we can shout and scream all
about peace and love with goodwill towards all
men, that is what we really need to talk about and
not the color of our skin, for colors belong to
are rainbows, crayons, skittles not skin where you
are from, oh I think that you are dumb or some man
made religion. Do me a favor go out into the streets
and scream it out loud,

We are all of one planet that
revolves around one sun that
only has one moon all together
part of one race that would
be the human race and all
citizens of this earth.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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