
Showing posts from August, 2020


From the time of our first lactation until the final days of salvation our lives are filled with stress and frustration no matter how much liquid libation we consume during all the vacations that we use even medication we all do while doubting the meditation will do any good. Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.  A Poet's Journey 


This flower reminded me of you that is the reason I took the photograph, Both have the sheer beauty that caught my eye, the vivid colors of your souls, and I lost my breath from the pounding of my heart the very first time I had seen both. Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.  A Poet's Journey 


The reason we could never make it work even though we were characters in the same book is we were just two different chapters written to far apart in time and even though we occupied the lines between the same pages my story had already been written while your ink just started being spilled Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.  A Poet's Journey 


We were just chapters from two different books that will never have a story of our own because the ink we spilled came from two entirely separate wells. Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.  A Poet's Journey