All I want to be in this life

All I want to be in this life

All I want to be in this life
is to be loved for once before I
die, to be held in somebody's
arms telling me that everything
is okay and it will be alright,
to be touched by hands
that is so tender and soft
you would swear you were
being touched by a ghost and
to be kissed, yes, to be kissed
on the cheek or on the lips by
someone who kisses me back
and means it, all I want to be
in this life is to be loved for
once before I die, to know that
I am loved back and all of the
reasons why to never feel so
lonely like I do now in fear
of dying all alone with nobody
else anywhere around, to hold
hands while we are walking
down the street not afraid to
show some affection and not
embarrassed of who you might
see or may meet, to feel the
the honesty in all your words
that you say to me in our truthful
emotions in our dedications of
our precious most inner
feelings, to walk together
through all of the sickness and
even health, all I want to be in
this life is to be loved for once
before I die, to give my love to
someone and for once receive
love back.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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