Love still lives between us

Love still lives between

Nothing ever changes between me and you
no matter what it is we say or do, for there
are way to many memories that are filled of
painful told untruths, here we are once again
standing on the brink of war, the very place
we have battled so many times before,
fighting down and dirty as our words fly back
and forth, the kind that when they finally land
leave never healing scars, there is no doubt
what is at stake as hearts begin to break,
sounding like shards of glass shattering as
they hit the ground, causing chaos and
destruction to begin as this circus enters
town, There is never any winners, only losers
in this game, as both of us share equally
in whose fault it is and shame, this time
though will be different, I can promise you
for sure, for when we turn our separate ways
I finally know the truth, what we have can not
be love for you can only love yourself, so I
admit I was wrong soul mates we are not,
We are better people the farther we are apart
for when we come together hell will soon
rise up, as catastrophic chain reactions
combine together bringing darkness upon
this earth as demons rise up from the depths
of hell just as angels fall to earth, Love left
us long ago as our two souls no longer dance,
our hearts now beat for what we had and
there is no second chance. We are only left
over memories just shadows of the past
hanging on to yesterday like our torn and
faded photographs. Love still lives between
us but in another form the fires from the
passion now barely do they burn and all the
love we used know just like the dust on a
windy kansas day only ashes blowing in the
wind with nothing more to say.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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