What is a lie: To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. She was lying when she said she would sleep with you if you helped her out. She lied about her past experience. : to create a false impression. Deceit is the act or practice of deceiving—lying, misleading, or otherwise hiding or distorting the truth. The word deception often means the same thing as a lie and is perhaps more commonly used. Lies Broken promises, broken dreams, broken love, broken arms broken hearts hurt like hell no matter how you broke it or even say it they all hurt the same, the pain though may not be precisely the physical kind it could be emotional, maybe even metaphysical, or a little bit spiritual, even a little of all three, I mean four any way you know what I mean because it does not matter the outcome, it will be the same because time heals all wounds, so they say, and for the most part, it is true it does, but the problem is what I found is even though the pain from physical trauma will fade...