Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice

Is it bad to be on a first name basis with one of
your own demons? Is worse that I cannot ever
say no? Is it really bad that we sometimes sleep
together? Or is it worst that I like it so much and
I always have? I am not sure if my soul is actually
afraid of her or it just likes doing as it is told. It
is like night and day fighting over fire and ice with
one if us always being naughty and the other to
damn nice when we kiss it feels so good yet it
leaves a burning sensation that makes me feel
like my mouth is on fire burning out of control
with passion and when we talk it always turns
into a fight with neither wrong or right then for
many days and nights we stay in bed making up
until we can barely starving and very thirsty until
the next big fight then we make it right again and
again, I am a morning person she is not when I
say faster she says stop so that is my dilemma
that I have and I know that I do love that woman
but she says love is for losers who cannot find
another so maybe one day we can find a middle
ground because hell is just to hot for me and
she can never be heaven bound and even when
I do get my wings I already know that I will still
dance with the devil I will just use them to fly
back to her and her horns that are perfect shape
and size and that my friends, is no lie, because
her and I are just like a puzzle in this game called
life and every piece between her and I fits so
damn perfect except for one and that is the piece
that says I do.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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