How the ink begin to flow PART ONE

How the ink begin to flow

I fell in love once upon a time ago
with the most beautiful fallen
angel at least that was the lie that
I had told myself she had saved
me from a life of loneliness and
misery by just being there and
holding me but before I can really
begin the story which is one of
love and betrayal that had started
with the truth of how I felt but
ended with her denial of what it
was worth so let me start by going
back to the very beginning of all
time, you see everyone who has
read the Bible or has gone to
church already knows the story
of how the devil the very demon
who is the epitome of hate and
evil was once one of God closest
angels and friend who sat right
next to God's throne but fell fast
from His grace by wanting to be
God himself and all of his glory
who then got himself thrown out
of the gates of heaven so he took
all his hatred out on man by
creating all of those things that
destroy humanity from deep down
within causing an acute case of
insanity to reign champion over
what is reality which now in its
actually creates a high rate of
mortality in the morality by
destroying the world more and
more everyday as it methodically
through diabolically takes apart
the very fabric of life thread by
thread of what we call the family
making that old statement that
blood is thicker than water just
another lie of individuality bringing
with it the extinction level death
of what we all call "true love" and
all the trust that comes along with
it and the mental breakdown
caused by the damage of millions
of brain cells causing the intense
pain of a broken heart to never feel
again along with a soul that just
dies inside never again to return
leaving only the empty shell of a
human giving a demon a new
home now to live and here is where
my story truly begins. I am not
a person who can be alone for very
long before a deep sense of
loneliness begins to create the
darkness that lives within me
which then causes a deep rooted
depression to step in and I start
to self medicate to help take away
all the pain and so an addict is
born, which I truly am but a
functioning one which I believe is
truly not an addict after all,
Addiction is a disease that has
no cure that kills many people
and even more families year after
year it is an affliction that will
grow inside of you that you cannot
stop if your all alone it will change
who you were and what you are
taking with it a piece of your heart
and soul until one day you just
disappear forever lost in the
addiction usually before that
happens though your friends and
your family give up on you ever
beating your demons saying
something like "just know that I
will always love you and I know
that at one time you loved me but
I would rather remember the old
you and not the one that I now
see" then you are all alone by
yourself one day a completely
different person and believe me
not for the better either, so let's
move back to the start of this
story from the beginning of time
to about thirteen or so years ago
when I met who I thought was
my soul mate who today I know
was not and that is when hell
itself begin and how by the grace
of God go I.

Part one
How the ink begin to flow

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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