i am only human

I am only human
I am but just only a human so tears will fall
when I am hurt or sad and even when I am happy
that it has touched me deep down to my soul,
I weep for others whom I cannot help like
the many homeless men, women, and children
who are living out on the streets only just
trying to find some shelter out of the cold and
heat hungry scraping together food and drink
while some have mental health issues and
will most likely never find a cure while others
are addicts who will either figure it out and climb
out while others I am sad to say will not and
this evil disease will take another friend or stranger
maybe even a family member not if but when and
how while others only wander with nowhere the
target yet still are lost to the world and worse yet
within themselves because maybe a child has
died causing a full mental break down I know I
would go completely crazy or just maybe lost
the only job they ever new or just forgot who they
were maybe a hero back from some god forsaking
war lost somewhere inside themselves still fighting
an enemy who is not really there anymore whose
dreams are so horrific caused by what they saw with
their own eyes and heard everyday to protect our
freedom a million miles away so they relive it when
they close their eyes that most of you would wet the
bed screaming for you mommy wetting the bed
forever afraid of the dark. I am only but flesh and blood
and so when you hit me or call me names I will feel that
pain both on the outside where I bruise and bleed
and break and inside where sometimes that feeling
never heals just wondering what I did wrong and why you
could not just talk to me and try to get along because
you were to afraid of what you did not know
You see we must stop being afraid of another man's skin
I am black, white, red, yellow, and brown yet when I
bleed it is red just as yours my friends while all the
tears that fall are the same color as the rain that comes
down on us all and my heart which beats as yours feels
as it breaks from a dying love you see I am as fragile
as a seedling flower gasping for air and water as I bust
through the soil blooming to becomes as beautiful as
everyone of us as I also sometimes need a hand to hold
to walk or bath growing old as every human does not
caring what color you are or religion you practice as you carry my
casket and place it underground for we have very little
time to find peace within ourselves and even less to find
peace and love with everyone so stop the hate and the
violence now and help and love your fellow man and everyone
so that not one more tear falls in pain peace on earth and
goodwill towards everyone..
Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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