Colors Redone

Colors redone

I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands..

I do not know about you but tears build up in my eyeseverytime that I recite the pledge of allegiance, it remindsme of when I was just a kid in this great country of ours,in a time when we could play barefoot in the park aloneuntil the street lights came on without fear of being harmedIt reminds me of our bicentennial in nineteen hundred andseventy six back when our country was strong and proud ofour two hundred year old birthday, it reminds of back whenI served our country earning three honorable dischargesthat hang on my wall today, It reminds me of all the men andwomen who have died defending our flag all over the world,from seventeen seventy six until today they were blackyellow, white, and brown color meant nothing they wereall heroes but gunshot last heard was their last sound.

From the African American Buffalo Soldiers, to the Navajo
Indian Code Talkers, and the 442nd infantry of Asian
American Soldier's and many more. They marched and
fought for our freedom here in America, and everywhere
that they were asked shoulder to shoulder they were
Airmen,Sailors and Soldiers.

We fought for our Freedom and our American flag just
like they still do today. Yeah, I saw colors alright, hell all
you had do was look around to see that sight, there was
Army greens and Navy blues, Marine Corp white's, Air
Force and Coast Guard blues too. That is what I saw
then, and today when I look around those are the only
ones I see today too

One nation under God…

It did not matter what you practice or if you were a Christian,
Catholic, Muslim, and Jew, Buddhist, Atheist and Wicca too,
we saw nothing of religion that was your right to choose all I
saw next to me were Americans and they were fighting with
me and dying for you.

So the next time that you choose your sides, because you all
are so damn uptight, please remember that someone died out
on that field just so you can have that right. All this bickering of
race and politics that we do, has really got to end, for not
only the just the grownups sake, but the messages that we
now send.

Our kids now watch us and they listen to all the hate that we
all spew, and soak up everything that they see and now they
are following through our country is now bleeding from
everywhere that we look from politicians that we trusted on
all sides and every single one a crook, it is time in this country
we change and vote them all out, do not just lay back and
say nothing you have to stand up, scream, and shout. Our
men and woman who lived and died in every single war fought
for you and me in freedoms name do not let them die for

It is now up to you and I and all Americans across this great
land to take back our country it is time that we all make a
stand. Vote all the politicians out who caused this big mess
and set them on their ass and vote in the ones that will make
it right for you and me and the whole world to see that
America is number one once again.

Indivisible with liberty and justice for all...

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr,
A Poet's Journey
Twice nominated Texas Poets Laureate 2016-2020


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