Why does love hurt

Why does love hurt

Is there anybody out there who can tell me
the reason that we can fall in love so damn
easily with a stranger and then inevitably fall
back out of love with each other becoming
enemies in a war of words and emotions
causing major conflicts for no apparent
reason while bringing more hate and anger
to a world that does not need it anymore, so
why is it that love needs to hurt so damn bad
when you break up with another then all of the
pain that you feel from a broken heart hurts
more than just about anything that you will
ever know and even though no bones are
broken that pain is just as real, I mean
why do people even fall in love with these
days since it always seems like it ends up
causing us so much more pain anyway as
all the ugly dark clouds start to move in
covering all of the sunlight coming from
the sadness of depression which causes so
many teardrops start falling on your face so
fast you think that you just might drown out
in the pouring rain. I guess the hardest part for
me was finding out that fairytales were just
that stories that we read to our children to give
them a sense of security to distort the reality of
the sad truth of life. In other words, we lie to our
children because we live in the innocence of their
ignorance and bliss so they can sleep at night and
dream those dreams we used to share before they
were shattered and destroyed by the real truth that
once upon a time and happily ever afters are
total fabricated crap we are lied to, cheated on,
used and abused for so damn long how do you
think that makes you feel? Angry? Yes, sad? Even
more but you just do not want to look at
anyone anymore, since now you feel like nothing
more than a damn fool. I am not so sure that I
will ever look for love again, for I just could not
take another heartbreak or even that pain again,
maybe being all alone is what God wants for me
to be since He gave me the gift to write down all
of my emotions and feelings so easily to help out
all others that are maybe not quite as strong as I
am for it seems like my entire life has been

nothing but heartbreaks, and heartaches, with lots
of pain over and over again. I know they say that He
will only give you what you can handle. I think He is
mistaken God has been w
rong before, after all, he.
Did create you and I.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey
Texas Poet Laureate Nominee 2016-2024


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