Pain of divorce

Pain of divorce

Tired of fighting day after day screaming all those
words that we do not want to say, living life with
a total stranger while remembering the days when
we used to love each other, coming home together
without a word being said, miles apart feeling alone
in our bed, as the photographs fade now up on the
wall memories die slowly as relationships fall, all of
the echoes of laughter that once filled up the air are
now drowning in the swollen river of tears, millions
of pieces of broken hearts can be found looking like
shattered glass that is littering the ground, souls lost
and lonely who are missing their mates singing songs
of regret and all their moral mistakes, emotions of
good and feelings of bad can be found in fresh graves
marked missing or dead, the end of a promise made
in front of God, family, and friends have divided their
armies building walls to defend, from strangers
one day to lovers the next, battles have started causing
loves war to begin, bad times outnumber the good at
least fifty to one while sickness spreads rapid health
can no longer be found, the fires of passion which
once raged out of control have all been extinguished
and have now all gone cold, Like the extinction of a
species that shall never return marriage is dying
from love never born, diseases of addiction that
cannot be cured has caused the trust to become just
a four-letter word, while honesty talks loudly it is no
longer heard as lawyers make billions from
the pain of divorce, as children are now casualties
of a war that's called love.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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