Inner Beauty

Inner Beauty

You my dear have a beauty that transcends
forever and all through eternity hidden away
from who you let the world see on the outside
which is just a costume to disguise the woman
and the person that you want to be to what
really lives as the part of you that is hidden
away in the deepest depths of your soul inside
where you have such a beautiful giving heart
that has been shattered and broken apart so
many times that it has now fallen all to pieces
and will never truly fully love or trust anyone
again, I truly do believe that you are only just
a lost soul that Tinker bell and Peter Pan
somehow had forgotten to come through
your open window then fly back to where you
belong, in never never land. your lonely
shattered soul has danced with itself and
others out in the rain at midnight ascending
high above to ride on a falling star that was
streaking across all of the night skies through
space and time is as wild as a Texas tornado
that nobody can ever tame or for that matter
come close to ever understanding, for it now
protects all the love that you still have left
which is hiding in the many seas of lost loves
and deep regrets on the islands of guilt and
sorrow as it wallows away healing so slowly
every day only showing itself in your dreams
so please know that nobody can ever take the
inner beauty that so few will ever know for they
do not take the time that they need, I feel so
very lucky for the time you have given me to
be with the beauty in you the one I have even
myself danced with, no, not as a lover but I
feel is better friends as in forever for you hold
just a little piece of my soul and I have taken
a part of yours with me.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poets Journey


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