From cigarette lit yet never burned

From cigarette lit yet never burned

Like the last of the warmth from burning ash from
cigarette lit yet never burned sometime after midnight
as the clock strike one, she lay there looking lifeless in
a dirty bed not her own passed out with some stranger
laying on top of her slobbering trying so hard to get it up
but way to high he will soon learn. She had met him just
a few hours ago at the bar down the street where she now
calls her home most of the time, drinking all her love away
while using drugs so she would never feel the hurt again
and when the alcohol could no longer hide the pain she
feels deep In her heart, she turns to a needle filled with
all the lies that fill her mind with all of the thoughts that
are all blurred along the lines of sin, she is just trying hard
to forget, her beauty you can still see, that is if you look real
hard, covered now by a plain black mask that was given to
her personally as tokens of his gratitude by the devil
himself as he danced with her at the sinners masquerade ball.
What happened to the beauty queen from some tiny Texas
town an honor student no less once with the sheer beauty of
a goddess from deep inside of her out, a mother of two a
little boy and a young girl that know now of all the real sadness
of a very broken world, her life at one time a very long time ago
had a once upon a time that will never come that ended her
last chance of ever having a happily ever after again, for
she is married now to her addictions of sex, drugs, and
she really likes to rock and roll drinking down way more than
she can consume. She was at one time her daddy's little angel
who flew around with her wings and a golden halo she only
made a few mistakes every now and then but today those wings
are gone ripped away feather by feather and her halo lost or
given away trading her chances to be okay, even her family had
all but given up on her acting as if she is buried six feet down
and already gone with nobody left to really care or love her
she is now all on her own except for the memories of better
times and places that now play over and over like a broken
record until it could play no more. like a dream from one who
still watches over her without ever being seen for her love he
once held in his arms a love she can no longer see or cares
about for no one now can ever hurt her again as her heart was
broken hard and long ago and her soul chained down convicted
of caring to much somewhere down deep where it was hidden
away, her eyes that once shined brightly and looked so alive
that had always sparkled like a diamond in the sun but now look
as if they died a long ago living her life now in the dark passed
between drug addicts, thieves, and more dangerously playing
them in game she has created for she is out now conquering
men one by one for those who get too close to her are gone
just like the wind without a single teardrop or another thought
of them coming from a heart that pumps the cold ice of deep
regret and sorrow from all of her mistakes she has made but
will never believe in them as denial rules her life, love is something
she says she believes in but the meaning is a lie, for lust has killed
what true love she ever had within her and has now has taken
full control as she moves from guy to guy using them for drugs
and money until they fall in love, feeling nothing she runs away
leaving a path of emotionally broken mass destruction of men's
hearts and souls as big as the plague that killed half a billion lives,
her story is just only one of many in the world we know as family
is no long the family we used to know as addiction continues to
grow unabated with no cure. One day soon it will have conquered
all of man becoming the leader of the land. Addiction is evil and
we must find a cure before there is nothing left but women
just like her.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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