Everyone knows that life has not been kind to me over the past few years, everytime I think that everything will be alright, it is not again, I feel like baby bird spreading my wings to fly yet every time I jump of the limb Ii fall hard to the ground just to start all over again, then I have been stuck in a very difficult relationship angry, lost, hurt, confused, not sure if I was going crazy pushed to edge where I finally found myself at the precibus of greatness, standing on the edge of insanity until a fan contacted me and explained what a narcissist is and then another and another, I am so very lucky to have the ability to write poetry, because the few fans that I do have are the greatest in the world and beyond everyone of you is an angel, who by interacting with me and reading what I write saved my life in so many different ways. This morning which is two weeks from my birthday I logged into the computer and browsed to numberonemusic.com and I saw this below (The photo's) what can I say? But thank you so very much. Ryder and I are very grateful and humbled by your generous and continued show of love.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey



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