I could use a friend

I could use a friend

I could use a friend right now someone
I can talk to about how I am feeling and
what I should do,and even this and that
but when I take a good look around me to
see if I could find one, what I found was
there was none to be seen, not even a
sound, I even used to have a best friend
once hell we did some pretty crazy things
together but most of all we always had a
lot of fun, she always made me feel just
like I was young again she made me know
that I meant something to her and someone,
so anytime she called I was always there
for her in time of need for anything at all
even it it was just a shoulder to cry on or
a chest to lay, or even making love on the
floor by a fireplace, tears now fill my eyes
whenever I think of her I miss the most her
beautiful smile and her pretty face but even
more if I was having a bad day out of no
where she would lean over and kiss me
then hold me tight telling me things that
I needed to hear, like everything is going
to be alright. I hope maybe one day soon
that we could hang out as we used to
because I really miss her and then I could
finally find the strength to tell her how I feel
and for all the years that we have known
each other filled of fun and friendships,
but most of all for all of those beautiful
memories that over flow of her and I will
last forever in my mind even until the day
I die when God and his angels take me
back home again, so I do want to thank
you for all that you have done for me by
making my heartbeat once again and
dancing with my soul out in the rain while;
listening to my rants and poetry for you
see without all of the time that we spent
together throughout the many years you
have saved me from insanity and made
my life complete.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.


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