Sounds of our beating heart.

Sounds of our beating heart

Sometimes when I am looking at
you from across the room I wonder
to myself if it would be way to selfish
of me to want back what I once had
with you twice in one lifetime, I know
you can still remember all of that love
and affection with the both of us 
wearing what we thought would be
a permanent smile painted across
our faces while we held each other
 close, slowly dancing out
across the dance floor, staring into
each eyes getting lost in the emotions
 just like you and I were the only two
people at that crowded bar,
listening to the sounds of our beating
 hearts playing out a tune called two
 strangers falling in love with our breath
becoming much deeper while we were
 two stepping across that wooden floor,
 and it felt as if we were floating in the
 air high above up in the night skies with
 the moon and all of the stars lighting up
 our way like they were fireflies and
 candle lights on a date  of a romantic
 dinner just for you and I on a white
 sanded deserted beach with a clear blue
 warm ocean waters on a Caribbean
 island on some hot midsummers night
on a blanket making love.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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