Only you have the power
Only you have the power
I started out in my life believing
that I was going to set the world on
fire, but soon found out it was filled with
nothing more than smoke and mirrors
finding only thieves and liars along with
those who want to steal all of your dreams
and desires anyway they can,
I thought
that I was the King of my own kingdom
but I never got to rule anyone or anything
for I only wore a paper crown
colored in
with a golden crayon, I thought I
was the captain of my own ship
Sailing in the direction that I myself
had picked, little did I know at that time
the tides on the ocean of tears that
were filled up with years of guilt had
their own agenda taking me everywhere
but the place I needed, so I chose
my path in this life the best that I
could all because I thought
it would
lead me to untold riches and
but I got lost somehow and took a wrong
turn because it only took me
to a one
way highway that led me straight to
hell, where the harder I tried to get
back home the faster I would fall and hit
the ground and got really sick
and tired
of it, so I climbed up the ladder as
fast as I could stepping on
those who
got in my way losing track of
who I was
caring for nobody but myself
until God or
someone else pushed me off
and I fell
fast and this time I hit the ground so
hard it finally woke me up so
I started
climbing back out taking my time and
trying to help others to find
their way
too which fills my heart up with peace
and my soul is now out dancing
in the rain all by itself not needing
anyone else and as for me
well I have
my ups and downs but now
I smile
because I know that I am just
that much
closer to heaven and get the
help of
angels now and then and even though
this world is still filled with thieves and
liars that's okay cause they need help
too once in while and nobody
can ever
take my dreams and or desires from
me and just like the devil he
only has
power over you no matter how hard
He tries unless you let him
for you
and you only have the power
to live uour
life how you want it.
Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey
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