Legend of a fallen angel.

Every single legend that has ever 
been told throughout the ages
from the beginning of man, was
started by someone somewhere
who saw or heard something
happen and relayed it to a family
member or a friend who then
repeated to others and so on 
So forth each time being told 
a little differently with bits and
pieces changed or added even 
more subtracted until it was finally 
written down or ink to paper
when it finally becomes a legend, 
lore or fairytale sometimes 
even a nursery rhyme, either way, no
matter what it is, it usually has
some truth buried deep down 
in the very essence of the story.

So now that the back story or 
prelude or log well something pre
that I can tell you, what I am
about to say to you for the first
time in my life is what legends are really made
of, is it true? Well that is up to 
you to decide, I believe it in 
my heart and soul, as I tell you
now to the best of my recollection.

It all started one dark rainy night
after three of my closest friends
had passed away within days of
each other and then soon after 
my son was taken by his estranged 
mother, I was all alone, my heart
was barely beating my soul had
gone missing and my head was
a little bit messed up no a lot, I
had nothing left at all, I was lonely,
strung out, lost, and confused,
reaching out somebody for 
something yet receiving nothing
from nobody at all cursing 
to a God, I did not believe in, 
screaming at the devil to go 
back whatever kinda a hell 
he would go to, hating everyone 
and everything, feeling
guilty for nothing, walking through 
the empty streets of heartbreak 
and sorrow wanting to forget all
about yesterday not wanting 
tomorrow to come for fear of
hurting all over again, my mind a 
mix of way to many things and 
the deafening sound of silence so 
loud I just wanted to end it all today 
so I did or thought anyway
I had one last breath to breathe
when I looked up and seen the 
most beautiful creature I had ever
seen with a body that could only
live in a dream, and she was falling 
straight at me, I could not believe 
that I was about to meet a real
fallen angel whose beauty was
seen in her glow, and she was
falling fast or rather kicked out of 
heaven above on a path straight
down to the firey pits of hell for 
what? I would never know but her
broken halo could clearly be seen
on her blond yet messy hair where 
you could plainly see 'two horns 
barely there, her strength that she
had inside of her she hid it so well
that no one knew it was there, 
not even God himself. But he 
would soon for as she fell towards the
fires she stopped right there in 
midair she smiled like she
did not care then put 
her hands up then her middle finger
 in the air as high as she was 
able and said "you know what, I think 
I will stay right here on earth 
for a while and you all can go
straight to hell," then chaos reigned 
as the devil said. "what the hell 
is going on the soul you have 
is not yours anymore its mine." 
So to keep her soul inside of 
her, she said well come on a try to take, when the devil got close
enough she kick the Devil so 
damn hard right in his balls 
that even God, his son, Buddha
and Ronnie Regan fell to the
the ground on their knees and began 
to weep and cry. God said she is
yours I swear she is not mine 
just as the Devil got up with a 
loud agonizing scream choked 
back the tears looking as if he 
was gonna be sick then he ran 
away as fast as he could to hide. 
For the first time since they both 
began never to be seen again 
God and the Devil agreed on 
something that the fallen angel 
was from another, who they are 
not sure but they did agree that 
she is not from God or the Devil
and neither wanted her so she is
a brand new breed, who is good with 
a little evil so hot she was and 
knew it for she could make a
grown man cry then turn around 
with big sexy smile and bake him
an apple pie with a touching way 
too much for any man to handle 
and a soul that will never be 
saddled, and a kiss I will never forget because
on that day I met a real fallen 
angel, today that fallen angel is
still right here on earth and 
very much alive as you see her 
and I spent a lot of time together
hanging out and getting by for 
the legend is true that I will not
lie she is the hottest fallen angel
I ever knew hell I even tried my
best for a slice of heaven many
times and she has only made 
me cry but maybe one day with 
a smile on her face she may take
a little pity on my soul. But as for
now I know this,
she cannot go to
heaven and she was banned 
from hell, so right here in this 
bed is where she will always lie.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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