Be still my quickly beating heart.

Be still my quickly beating heart

Every time I see you, I need to stop and tell
myself "Hey man, you got this, all you got to 
do is just be cool" but then you look right
at me with your pretty smile and beautiful 
face and suddenly, my knees get weak 
then I can barely speak so I close my eyes 
real tight and remind myself that I will be 
all right as I whisper underneath my breath
"Be still my quickly beating heart" as it begins 
pounding hard deep down within my 
chest, while all those loving feelings come 
rushing back, I bet you can guess what
happens next as I fall head over heels in 
love with you, just like I always do while 
some of my favorite memories start 
to play like double feature in my head 
showing me in my eyes past all our
homemade movies along with some old 
photographs showing all the adventures
that you and I had, all the awesome 
uncut scenes even the adult eyes only
ones from all our many different moments 
in time that God had given us, and he is
still not done that sometimes reads like 
dime store romance story as we are only
living in all the ink spilled on the pages 
of an unfinished number one selling novel
that is still being written right from the 
chapters of our lives, with you being a 
beautiful princess or damsel in distress 
or someone’s dream come true like mine
and me I get to play yout, white Knight, 
in shining armor riding in on big white 
horse or even just the everyday hero 
whom people stand and cheer for 
coming in to save the day, except in this 
story it always ends with somebody else 
always getting the girl leaving him out 
in the cold and feeling lonely, but you need 
to at least admit you think of me and smile 
just a bit and even though he might 
not always win the girl, he is still there 
for you even after all these years just 
in case you need him to find a phone 
booth to change into your superman 
superhero one who is not afraid to 
come out to rescue you and save the day 
yet once again, even though kryptonite 
may bring him down to his knees, he will 
crawl if he needs to the moon and back 
just so he will be there in your time of 
need or catch you when you fall, Maybe 
one day you will open your heart 
and there I will the finally see what it 
is you do to me then we can be once 
again, be you and me but if not well
that will be okay, and I guess I shall stay
your best friend anyway always and 
forever waiting on your call.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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