The Beauty of these flowers

The beauty held in these flowers reminded me of
you for all of your beautiful
heart, mind, and soul
creates an amazing
atmosphere of creativity
for you have stolen
a beat from my heart
and have danced at midnight
outside in the rain with
my soul on many
occasions you
have given me a piece
of your very
essence that I will
carry with me
until forever falls away
and eternity
has come and gone
you are in every
word that I write
intertwined in the
ink that I spill So you
my dear will
live on long after
we have gone
your soul and your
beautiful memories
will live always in all
of my Poetry and all
because i have tasted
just a small drop of
you and have
fallen deep into the
abyss of love
through all the
windows of tomorrow
while opening the
doors of yesterdays
ending right here today
where you shine through
the darkness of this broken world.
Richard M Knittle Jr. ©
© A #Poets Journey


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