Soul of God

Soul of God
Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top when the
wind blows, the cradle will rock when the bough
breaks, the cradle will fall and down will
come baby, cradle and all 
And then I caught you in my arms after the
doctor said push for the third time,
 all I can remember is looking down
upon your little five pound four ounce body
with tears streaming down my face
and I thought what a beautiful baby boy,
Then you opened up your eyes and
looked into mine it was right then at
that very moment that a feeling of peace 
came over my body, and what I saw
 was the soul of God looking back at
me and I knew then you were so very special
and you were sent here to do so much
good Then your little hand grabbed at
my finger, it was at that moment my
heart melted and combined with our
souls that imprinted our life together and
 that would forever change my life, I
knew then that that I loved you so very
much and I needed you in my life and
that you needed me too, So I took you
 home and when you woke that night
 to feed your mother turned her back
on you so I fed you day and night and
I held so very tight until the early morning
 light, and every day I sang to you so you
knew god.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the
 Lord my soul to keep, If I die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take,

your mother was missing in action in rehab
 for the fifth time so it was just you and
I becoming even closer still her family
couldn’t stand how close we became
and the bond you and I shared so they
took you away from me screaming at
 only six months old and they pulled
your blood against your will, we didn’t
match but we didn’t care we loved each
 other, wanted each other, and needed
each other so I fought and then they
started a war that I didn’t want and now
I fight for you because I love you and I have
ever since you were born, My heart is
aching and my soul cries out both broken,
beat and torn, Our life is not over and
our paths will cross again so please
always remember how much that
I love you Ryder and I have from the 
very begin. 

Richard M Knittle Jr.(c)
(c) A #Poets Journey


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