Friday night in Texas

Friday Night in Texas

It is a Friday night here in Texas
and all the lights on the field are on
the last year quarterback is hoping to
make home town history
while the cheerleaders
are cheering the crowd on,
It is the fourth quarter with only ten
whole seconds left to play the home team
has the ball on the fifty yard line and they
all know that this is the last game of the
season and it will be the last play,
fourth down and three points behind
senior year quarterback has his whole life
right there in front of him with this game
now on the line coach is screaming as the crowd
is standing tall and this Is how we play high school
football here in Texas in every single hometown
every fall y'all.
In the huddle as the boys now all turn to men
Quarterback smiles and says "hey y'all, what a
great few years it has been, we have all been
together through the hard times and the
good and no matter what happens next I
am proud to call you all friends
now who wants to pray lest break
The teams are lined up on the field with hardly
a breath to breathe there is a slight breeze and it
is blowing out of the west towards the hometown goal
and it is about a hundred and ten degrees,
quarterback looks left at his friends who he
knows will hold the line, then looks right and into
the stands where his dad catches his sight and
they look right into each others eyes as a tear
starts to fall and with a big ole county grin his
father looks right down at his son and nods his head
and mouths don't worry son I got your back, now
boy let's win this thing, the crowd goes silent or
at least that is what he hears with a one two hut hut
hike the boy the teen the quarterback becomes a
man a hometown hero no matter what happens for
a lifetime and now loses all of his fears with the
ball now in his hands, he blocks turning left he is
fading back just as far as he could go and then
his arm throws that ball just as far and hard as he
knows,t is a hail Mary and who will catch it only
God above can tell on his knees now looking up to
God this game is out of his hands then
out of now where, who is it but number twenty two
a third string receiver and his very best friend who
reaches out with only one hand brings it in close
with an awesome catch across the line for the win.
It is just a normal everyday Friday night here
in anywhere Texas with all the lights on the field
turned on in every fall in every single home town
and that is how we play high school football here in
Texas y'all now let's all get it on.

Richard M Knittle Jr. (c)
(c) A #Poets Journey


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