A queen

A Queen

If we take a good look back
throughout our long history
through all the sands of time
you will see that in fact actually not only kings but many queens
have ruled many times down
through the ages in many vast
and different lands as
they used all of their beauty, power, minds, along with all
their charms
You know just like a woman can
for they have conquered armies without any blood being shed
while giving birth much better than any man ever could and I
also believe that behind
almost every male leader that
has ever been that they were
actually ruled by a woman
who was very close by
It is my belief that woman are actually the ones who are and
always have been in charge
come on guys it is the truth
and you all know why, they were
the pants but let us believe
that we do If women ruled
peace and love would be the
norm well except on 
those days when PMS takes over and we all know that
nobody is safe in that storm
and when we met and I looked
into your eyes it was at
that very moment that I realized
that you must have been
reincarnated from the very beautiful femme fatale 
Cleopatra the queen of the Nile
for my love for you runs for miles and miles and shall till
the ends of time for I am your
king and a queen you are mine.

Richard M Knittle Jr. (c)
(c) A #Poets journey


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