Mari Jane

Mari Jane

How can something so good
be so illegal when it was
God himself who
placed it on this earth? I mean It is
not like it was cooked with
man-made chemicals in some
rednecks garage down in the
backwoods of the south with
a recipe handed down through
generations that he learned at
birth. Think about it for a just
a minute or maybe even two and then
open up your closed off minds and
then you will see why it is that I believe
that Jesus, when he was
young, probably just a teenager
standing on a corner in Jerusalem
hanging with all his buddies talking
to all the single ladies was
drinking down a forty while
smoking a fatty. Now hold just wait a minute
before you, all start screaming
at me that what I said is blasphemy and
think that I am going straight
down to hell or out of my brain and
now going completely insane listen to
the real reasons I say what I do.
Number one marijuana grows from
God's green earth from the dirt in
the ground like a flower from down
below the soil only needing the rain
and beautiful bright shining sun.
Please, you all need to sit
back, relax and remember, and for it tells us
in the good book in John 2:1-11 - Jesus
changes water into wine while He is
with his disciples and his mom "just
getting by with a little help from
His friends," to paraphrase the
Beetles. So why? Well because of Tobacco, Lumber,
Cotton and Big Pharmaceutical industry had more
money and senators in their pockets with them
when they went to Washington DC
and all stood before Congress and said"
hey man it is an herb just a weed and it
is free so people will use that instead and we
all will be out in the streets, so yeah,
you know what to do hell the government
lies to the people anyways
all the time so let’s
make this a category three drug call it
a gateway, make it illegal and then we can still make
all the money and they still hold to that lie in
most states. In all actuality, it is not only just a puff puff
pass cool man I need some food I
got the munchies bad, type of medicine
it is so much more since hemp is a byproduct is so
much stronger and softer then cotton is
while lasting a whole lot longer, that is
why cotton said "no way besides
we paid good money for all of our slaves,
which kind of makes you think what
what. stop using cotton products that
is what I say, anyway tobacco now
here is a good one they add nicotine and
other addictive poison to tobacco and
have lied about all of the cancers with
lack of answers and have paid out billions that
they would never have had because
marijuana grows like a weed hence the
name get it? You see it, pick it, eat it, dry it, roll
it, smoke, it is just that easy, excuse me
hold on just a minute while I light up a naturally
naked no added anything so stop smoking and start
to king. Then we have lumber making billions of dollars
to make paper when hemp yet again can
make a stronger longer lasting dollar my friends.
Here we are at big pharma and the
almighty dollar creating and selling
pills, pills, pills, and more pills when
a just little puff would of
done you just fine, and that is just the
start of why this God’s gift to you and I
has more people put in jail than all others
causing single-family homes in the inner
city while the government making trillions
by arresting, jailing, and then bailing you out with
programs like the twelve steps that are
failing while falling a few steps behind yet
people still smoke it anyways.
So now before I keep on going on which I can for
weeks unending, I hope that my little
rant and rave has opened up some minds
to the truth oh
one more little trivia fact so just sit back and listen
George Washington who is our founding
father grew and used marijuana as his
cash crop making him a pharmacist without
a license or drug dealer or yet even better
a grower and a distributor which today would
put him away for twenty-five years to

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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