I call it karma

I call it Karma...

when I see you out in public I
am asking you to please just
look away the mess you
made when you left has
gotten worse every single
day that pain you caused
still exist you broke my heart
and soul the damage done
from you leaving has dug a
six foot hole, its big enough
for me to fit I think I just may
try after all that should make
you happy at least I will be
out of your sight do not
worry I will leave a note so
not to cause you shame, it
matters not now that I am
alone but one question what
is his f'n name? I mean
after all, he is with you now
as he took my life and place
oh, yeah one more thing
before I go karma called
looking for you did you know
that what his name? Well it
seems he killed his last
girlfriend, what you didn't
know? Oh that's my bad
I should have called sooner
huh? Sorry but I gotta go.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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