The moon shining its light down upon me.

The moon shining its light down upon me.
Sometimes I will go outside when
it is late at night all by myself with
only the stars up in skies with the
darkness everywhere and the moon
shining its light down upon me and
I watch as all the world slowly and
steadily goes by just thinking to
myself as I wonder when and
where it is that I am going to die,
then I listen to all of the sounds of
the creatures that are all around
looking up and asking God for
forgiveness for everything I have
done, then I smell all of the night as
a slow and steady breeze carries
all of the scents of life bringing
back all the memories of another
place and time that I would now
rather be, just reflections of dark
shadows forgotten on a wall left
behind from reality of a dream
back before the real nightmare of
where I am today and a sickness
that will never heal a disease I
have without a cure that now will
forever live inside of me, every day
destroying a little piece of who I was
and what I used to be as I look
now at my reflection coming from
the droplets of all the tears that
have fallen from my eyes to the
ground creating a shallow pool of
memories that are no longer in my
mind and who I see now looking
back at me is my soul who has
been beaten, bruised, and bloodied
chained up against a wall no longer
fighting or even trying to escape
knowing now what is next, for its
final fate imprisoned in my own
mind sentenced to a slow and
painful death from addiction for
all of the demons that It had killed
when it went to war fighting harder
then any other had before. Then I
feel a chill of what is yet to come I
know a storm that I fear is coming
for I can feel in the air a battle like
no other fought of sorrow and deep
despair that I myself must fight all alone
in my own darkness where sadness
only lives with an emptiness that
has no heat or light where nothing
ever lives past the morning the
mourning time then I hear a voice
that I know I have heard before
telling me just one word before
she had to go as I looked all
around for the little glow of light
from heaven found on angels wings
whenever they are in a flight but
then I felt a little kiss from some
one who was special, whom I
really miss and what she said to
me gave me a little jolt just so that
I would remember that nothing
is ever lost no matter how bad
it looks or even feels as long as
you never give up on one thing
hope, and right now today at
this very moment, hope is
 all I have left.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey
A Texas Poet Laureate
Nominee 2016-2020


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