One day at a time

One day at a time

Yesterday I laughed today I cried tomorrow is a mystery to what may lie ahead, all we do know for sure is that life begins then it ends so worry not what might or may not come my friends or whether it is good, bad even happy, or sad so just remember that the days will come and the nights will go but it does come with each morning of the rising sun that we know so let us close our eyes take a deep breath blow it out then open them up again them take a chance and spin that wheel roll the dice win on seven loose on snake eyes, pull that arm play some slots bet it
all on long shot horse named its your life, the one thing you should try to always remember is you can never go back and you also cannot predict the future life is hard we only live once so make damn sure that you lived it so dance with the devil walk through hell on your way to heaven then make friends with an angel sleep with your demons then go to church and pray for forgiveness
and alway be kind to all who you meet always give hope and use your strength never give up on your dreams is it luck or is it faith that keeps us going forward everyday all I know is I have one last piece of advice to give that is no matter what decisions that you need to make in your life we have only two places we can go so just smile every single day because it is contagious love everyone you can for hate there is no reason reada poem to stir your soul and write some poetry because your heart tells secrets then take a stepthen another and take it one day at a time.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey



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