

When I think about the way love is supposed
to be I always think about you and me, two very
passionate lovers that have come together
causing our own weather patterns to appear
wherever and whenever that you and I get
together while making love like it was the first
time and the last time every time all the time
you are just like tornado twisting down on
some unsuspecting town causing havoc
with your long blonde hair flowing here and
there as it is everywhere around causing the
wind to start to howl picking me up off the
ground spinning me round and round until the
rain begins to fall down from sweat from our
brows and I swear when it is over the walls
come tumbling down then as fast and furious
as it came it dissipates into a soft warm spring
rain and blue clear skies can be seen for miles
and miles as we hold each tight looking in to
each others eyes never wanting to let each
other go until you feel the tremble below so
slight when you blink your eyes because it
feels so right than comes a another small
shake like an earthquake is just about to start
you can feel the ground deep down begin to
shake and quiver and now you know that you
are very much wide awake as the bed moves
to and fro across the bedroom floor and then
a crashing sound you cannot ignore causing
us to hold on to what we can as you start
to really understand that the only thing shaking
is our room again and then you feel as it hits
you and chaos is a virtue then you hear the
quiet in the air as the walls cave in around yet
you hear not even a sound except from the the
twinkling of stars the shining in thru the roof
that has now disappeared causing you to smile
from ear to ear then you calling me dear and
say with a sigh oh my we did it again then we
both hold on to each other knowing our love
will always live on just as the earth, the sun,
and the moon until forever ends.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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