Angels among us

Angels among us

I believe that Angels do live among us
and that they maybe anyone we might
meet, from the man down at the grocery
store helping you with your groceries,
to the soldier fighting a war for our
freedom who will never admit his defeat.
to the little girl who was just diagnosed
with cancer, and the type that does not
even have a cure, to the little boy with
autism, who shows his unconditional love for sure. to the lady next door with
the bruises, who says she only tripped
and fell down to the ground, to the little
girl locked away in a bedroom, who
was told never to a make sound.

You see Angels do live among us and they just maybe anyone that we might meet, for God has his chosen those people, whose souls can never be beat.

From the homeless woman who has
mental health issues that nobody wants
in the cities, to the police officer
protecting children while walking his
beat. to the mother of three little
children, who is just trying to make it
through, and to the man who brings
food to their table, out of work, with
no money, so that they could eat.

Angels do live among us and they
just might be anyone that we meet
for God does not look at who you were
he chooses for what they will be

Maybe the teacher spending long hours
teaching our children for very little pay to
the doctor who just saved your grandmother along with the nurses working double shifts twenty two hours
a day. To firefighters risking their lives
everyday putting out fires and saving
lives and property with very little sleep.

Angel's do live among us and they just
might me anyone that we meet so look
around you, then take a good look down
deep inside,for those angels just maybe
you, or they could even be me.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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