Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

You have chosen a new path in life and sadly it was not the same path that I am now traveling down though you and I in our life have traveled the same road together many times before and on many occasions before we say goodbye. But when things are tough in the times of trouble or when you need me the most we have somehow met at the crossroads of life put our differences away to come together again until you were able to travel a different path just to say goodbye again. I truly am sorry but I must be the one to chose a brand new highway that am very sorry to say you will never travel for it is one that leads me far away from you and one that you shall never find for whenever I try to fix what is broken inside of you I break myself instead, I wrote this piece with tears streaming down my face as the beating of my heart let go of music that it played for you.
I will never forget you yet I can never forgive you for you were my sunshine in the light of my day and moonlight in the dark of the night, you were my shelter in all of the many storms inside of me, you were the beacon in my life whom I was lucky enough to meet and make you my beautiful wife, you have been the many tears that have weld up in my eyes and the smile on my face many more times than you will ever realize, understand this decision was not an easy one and it is the hardest thing in my entire life that I will ever do so I dedicate this poem and all the blood, sweat, and tears in all our many years to you.

Saying Goodbye

In my life that has been filled with so much
sorrow and many regrets, you must try and
understand that there are so many moments
that are embedded straight into the very woven
fabric in my memories that I cannot and will
never forget. You see I have finally faced all
of the skeletons that I have hid away deep in
the dark and hidden closets that fill my mixed
up mind and I have beat so many of my
demons that have been haunting me all these
many years that have been filled with so much
pain and tears and I am now finally okay with
my littered past that I had regretted all this time,
for I have found in our lives that you will find all
of your strength in all of the times and the
moments of your weakness that you never
knew just how much inner strength you really
do have until you survive the strongest of the
storms that will knock you down to the ground
yet still stand up, dust yourself off, and walk
all alone from out of dark into the light still alive
and for once after all these long and hard many
years I have finally been able to let go of all
the hate and anger that had been filling my
heart so full. I have now finally come to a place
where I can find peace with you and so much
more importantly peace within myself that i
never knew I had before,I have been weighed
down with the pain of a broken heart from your
so called love that was never mine from the
start as I have been strapped down with a
bitter soul that cries out in anger for the
loneliness of a life that it has had to bare
while carrying the pain of missing you, I
have been lost in the deepest darkest
recesses of my mixed up mind while trapped
in all of the memories of our painful past for
way too long. believe me when I say that it has
not been easy and that as the tears fall forming
a river of very hard and painful goodbyes,
please know if it all matters to you at all
that I will always have love for you somewhere
deep inside but it is time that I start moving on
with what is left of my short life it is time that
I can finally say that I am moving on it is time
that turn away from you it is time to forget
about the past it is time to laugh and smile it
is time that I say goodbye.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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