**'ALL BOOKS FOR DOWNLOAD FREE***  Poet Richard M Knittle Jr. a nominated Texas Poet Laureate 

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Poet Richard M Knittle Jr. a nominated Texas Poet Laureate


It has been a little while so all my books for Kindle are free for download starting Tomorrow Sunday and Monday September 15th and 16th

Get one or get all 17 they are all free for Kindle download. Remember you do not need to have a Kindle you can get the Kindle app at your apps store and even for your PC.

1. The Battle Lost: Ryder's Birth

2. Broken Angel: An epic mini-tale of a 15 year old heroin addict

3. Poetry in God's Creations: A Poets Journey

4. Out of the Darkness: A Poets Journey

5. Addiction: The Sounds of Silence

6. Why?: An epic mini poetry tale on the effects of PTSD

7. Into the Light: A Poets Journey

8. Conversations with God and the Devil: Helping to heal a Broken World

9. Looking Back: A Poets Journey

10. Love, Lust, or Something Else: A Poets Journey

11. Sparkling Eyes: Poetry from the Heart: Love and Heartache

12. Poetry, Friends, and Martinis: A Poets Journey

13. Poetry Because It Matters: A Poets Journey

14. The Battle Lost: Ryder's Birth Special Edition

15. When Souls Mate: An epic mini-tale of two souls

16. The Battle Lost: Ryder's Birth Special Edition

17. Love and Poetry: Lost Through Time



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