I'm falling without you New Song

New song.

I'm falling without you

I cannot run I've tried to hide but they still find me when I close my eyes without you I'm helpless so I keep getting by without you I need you without you I'm not all right

They find me when I'm all alone as
tears fill up my eyes they offer me
comfort on those cold and rainy days
and lonely nights they change me in
ways I just don't care help me I'm
falling without you here

I'm falling deeper I need you into their lair without you you'll find me there my heart has broken my souls gone missing it's so dark inside

They find me when I'm all alone as
tears fill up my eyes they offer me
comfort on those cold and rainy days
and lonely nights they change me in
ways I just don't care help me I'm
falling without you here

Maybe one day I'll remember who I am or why I'm here locked away in this place that has no fear I cannot run there's nowhere for me to hide from my demons who live inside I need you I want you here by my side

I need you I need you here by my side I want you to find me help me help me I've fallen to the other side show me back to the light.

They find me when I'm all alone as
tears fill up my eyes they offer me
comfort on those cold and rainy days
and lonely nights they change me in
ways I just don't care help me I'm
falling without you here

Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey
I'm falling without you. (R)


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