One of a kind

One of a kind

I just thought that there was 
thing you might ought to
from way back, before you
even born, when God first
creating you, because he
well knew what he was
that is for sure with not a
leftover in my mind and that is why 
he had to break the mold, for he had 
finally achieved perfection so their 
could be no other like you in this ugly 
broken world, you see, baby you are 
like I always say to you all of the time
that you are indeed nothing less
then a one of kind personality
sheer absolute beauty cannot be 
compared to any others for you truly 
are a beautiful find on any planet as 
your soul is just as free and wild as 
a catogory five tornado blowing 
across all of Texas never to be ever 
captured with a heart that is more giving
and loving then all of heaven who
can switch from a halo angel 
from heaven to fiery brimstone 
hell demon in three point four seconds 
causing hearts to break and souls 
to shake (then using all of that southern
charm to say your sorry while 
men crazy with your heated 
just as you have done with me 
everyday since we first met, and 
everything that has happened since 
from that first kiss until today through 
all these many years of friendship 
that I for one shall forever treasure 
and even though you do not love 
me how I always wanted I am 
grateful and blessed for the kind of 
love you have always shown me so 
just know I will always love you 
never judge you for living the life you 
want to all the while being the person you 
Turn to in your times of need for 
a shoulder to cry on or a ride to 
buy ice cream, an ear to tell al your.
 secrets too or someone to hear 
when speak, just as I have and
always will. 

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr. 
A Poet's Journey 
A Texas Poet Laureate Nominee 2016-2020


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