Words are never wasted.
Please remember that words can cut deep like a dagger cutting out your heart they can hurt, wound, and even kill, yet they can be a dozen roses or stop armies, they can save lives like they have for me, so choose your words wisely and use them only in peace and love.
Words are never wasted
I just wanted you to know
that you really hurt my
feelings just the other day
when you said for me
not to waste my words on
you, just as a tear begin
to form in the corner of
my eye, while the pain
coming from my chest
told me that my poor old
heart was hurting
and broke again. but this
time it is not over you
but instead what you had
said, you see I very much
do believe that words are
never wasted on anything
or anybody no matter who
or what they have been
written for and in fact are
very special and dear as
they mean so very much
to me and who I am, for
every single drop of Ink that
I spill across all the pages
on the paper of my life's
story, carry embedded in
the lines the very essence
of who I am,it is filled with
all of my feelings and every
emotion that are coming
from deep down inside of
me, where my heart keeps
on always telling secrets
to my lonely soul, for I am
a Poet or what you may
call a dreamer and I can
speak straight from my
heart and I am always
listening to what my soul
needs to say while always
searching for those special
people who can touch both
and you my dear have come
so very close indeed, but I
am very sorry that I must
leave now and bid you adieu,
after all these years of trying
filled with so much love,
hate, fighting and forgiving
it is time that we both turn
and walk away from each
other with neither one of us
to blame. I hope and pray
for you that one day soon
you finally find who or what
you have been always looking
for and we both know it was
never me, and I find the one
who I can learn to love and who can
return it back to me,so that I
can learn how to let love
in from someone who is patient
and understand all the damage
that has been done to me
we will always be connected in
our hearts where love has lived
with the other, our minds where all
the memories of you and me shall|
always be and our souls where they
will always remember all the many
dances we have shared for you
and I have left each other
a little piece of one another to
be carried as part of who we are
always and through forever until the
ends of time.
Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey
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