The story of me and you.

The story of me and you. 

Maybe, one day, on some hot midsummer's night, on a blanket

 under a full moon, I will create a brand new masterpiece a new poem

 and I will write it all over you. I will

 start in the center of your beautiful

 body, and I will profess my love with

 nothing more on, than my poetic

 verse between us. I will be writing

 roses are red and violets are blue,

 between your beautiful bare breast,

 watching them as they rise and fall,

 with your each and every single

 breath. Next I will write that I love

 you, as I slowly come up from

 behind you, so with every stroke of

 my pen, you will remember that day

 and into night from the beginning

 until the very end.

I will then start with a brand new

 verse and it will read, that you will

 always have my heart, on the back

 of your neck. I will move in a little

 closer so that you will never forget

 those words that I will have written

 onto you. Then as I hear you start

to moan in a poetic adulation of

 ecstatic sighs, I will feel as you start

 to hesitate but by that time it will be

 too late, because those words that

 I now write, will find that path down

 below, through the middle of your

 naked back and I will continue, as my words will now start to transform

 into a story of how our souls have

 come together just you and me so

 you can see how much that I do love

 you. I will than write more about

 your beauty and what your love has

 done to me, a beautiful masterpiece

 that I will soon write, as those words

 of my love for you turn into a

 painting, as if I am Michelangelo

 painting in the Sistine Chapel, or

 Vincent van Gogh on our Starry


Yes when we are together on that

hot midsummer's night, on blanket

 under a full moon, I will create a new

masterpiece a poem, and I will call it the story of me and you.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.

A #Poets Journey

Texas Poet Laureate Nominee 2016 - 2020


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