Just call out his name.

Broken hearts and broken promises had lead me a stray as I was drinking alcohol by the gallon while the days became nights as they turned back to days headed down a path of destruction filled with guilt and despair one that even my demons wanted out the ride was a one way ticket straight to the fires of hell. 

I was pulled from out of the wreckage of my life that was filled with nothing but sorrow and despair by an angel of mercy who reached out and saved me coming from the skies high above in the heavens somewhere her wings where made of silver and a halo of gold blonde flowing hair with a beauty to behold

she said you my have forgotten hidden by the pain of a broken love but He still loves you just like his only son, time will hide all the scars and the pain just look to above then sing all his praises  and call out his name.

I was pulled from out of the wreckage of my life that was filled with nothing but sorrow and despair by an angel of mercy who reached out and saved me coming from the skies high above in the heavens somewhere her wings where made of silver and a halo of gold blonde flowing hair with a beauty to behold

The tears begin falling as I fell back down to my knees asking God to forgive me for all the sins that I now bleed then it got quite as the sun begin to rise then I heard songs of redemption and these words that I heed for the rest of my life.

remember that hearts are meant to be broken time and time again for what does not kill you makes you stronger my son to help you get through the hardships until I call you back home  I will never forsake you with my love in your heart, then I felt a feeling of peace come over me as a smile  broke out for the first time as I could remember

I was pulled from out of the wreckage of my life that was filled with nothing but sorrow and despair by an angel of mercy who reached out and saved me coming from the skies high above in the heavens somewhere her wings where made of silver and a halo of gold blonde flowing hair with a beauty to behold

That was five years ago today, so here I stand in front of all of you with that same smile still on my face to tell you I am  clean and sober and forever will I stay knowing that I was saved by an angel, a Man and his son to give me a second chance and you can have one to just call out his name.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey
Texas Poet Laureate Nominee 2016-2020


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