Where you still reside

Here is a new one, it actually started off as a text to someone but my pen just kept it going..lol

Where you still reside

I am sorry to bother you I know
that it is kind of late but I just
needed to say that I still think
about you every single day,
especially on those long cold
lonely nights kind of like it is
tonight trying hard but I cannot
sleep no matter what I try and
do, so I am sitting outside on my
front porch just staring up at all
the stars in the midnight skies
through the the glow of beautiful
full moon wishing hard on those
falling stars wondering how you
are doing and where you are right
now, then spilling all of my ink
when my words start drifting off
to sleep so they can begin to dream bringing back old memories of
me and you acting like we were
fools talking all night long singing
along to our favorite songs only
laughing and having fun looking
crazy to everyone, yes those were
the days, then it occurred to me I
wonder do I ever cross your mind
if I do is it in the same way or am
  just another forgotten memory
just a shadow from your past never
really meant to last and if I am
well I am okay with that, so I hope
you are doing fine I guess I will go
back inside lay back down and
close my eyes where you still reside
in all of my dreams,

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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