Poetry 101

Poetry 101

Your body is a law that I will break
over and over again and while
I stand right here and stare I am
committing to every sin in His book
then you had to go and look straight
at me I feel like I should be
arrested, handcuffed, found guilty
buy a jury, of my own peers,
sentenced to a life without the
possibility of parole, like I want
to be with you, as your beautifully
crafted yet illegal package puts
me in unrequited chains your
curves scream danger go back
as your lips draw me closer in
the pounding of my chest like
a hammer to rock is a near miss
while your breast are nothing
sort of a felony arrest in front of
the hanging judge commuting
my sentence of one I can barely
speak, I must end this madness
and walk away, no run while saying
goodbye to you in my mind forever
until next time tomorrow after math
period three gotta just love English
literature, Mrs. luscious lips ooops
I mean Mrs. Tipps in Poetry one
zero one.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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