Until tomorrow never comes

Until tomorrow never comes. 

As the darkness of the night

 starts to now fall to the up

 coming light of day the

 moon begins slowly making

 love to the sun as they have

with each coming and going

 since before the dawn of

 man, until forever falls away, leaving an eternity go the

next day our two souls were

so completely intertwined and

Interwoven through all of the many different fabrics of time

 holding on to one another so tightly never wanting to let go

so afraid to be alone just as

 both of hearts start pounding

 as one together with a

 rhythmical melody of an

 eternity from a love that is sure

 to be one from the ages of all

 of the many yesterdays, even  today until the end of tomorrow never comes.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.

A #Poets Journey


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