Happily ever after amen.
Happily ever after amen. Every now and then you will meet someone that makes your heart begin to pound so hard that it feels as if it will break through your chest or crack a few ribs at best, as you can hear your blood flowing through your veins like a mighty river fed by the rains of angry massive wintkrms to the sea also making it hard to breathe as you start to feel the heat coming from somewhere down deep in your soul smoldering until you see her beautiful face then your heated passion takes control igniting a raging fire the is now burning out of control as it feels like it is two hundred fifty degrees and your boiling from the inside, as tears fall from your eyes as their sheer beauty is so bright it leaves you feeling blind, and when they look up and smile at you the oh so real feeling of panic hits you right in the face as you freeze up talking nothing but gibberish losing all concept of speech and losing control of your knees falling to the ground as if you w...
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