Star crossed tragic lovers

Star crossed tragic lovers

If you look real hard up at all 
the beautiful shimmering stars 
out in the midnight skies far 
away from the city from the 
smoke and haze away from all
the man-made lights some 
where out in the countryside
where the only thing you will 
see is the Poetry in all of Gods
creations among all the scenery 
where you will see about a billion
stars times ten or more out in
 the Milky Way galaxy and other 
 celestial entities and even the 
 pearly gates of heaven and 
maybe even Saint Peter himself 
if you are very lucky, a place 
where our souls are from but 
even further beyond that is 
where all of time had first 
begun you will find star crossed
 tragic lovers like Romeo and
Juliette still in love together in
a death"do you part kind of love
 but you will not if it is not a real
true love like their's is" just as 
they both only wanted in life like 
all of us are looking for but can
 only dream of  the kind of love 
that knows no end or any kind of
 boundaries as in Mark Anthony
and Cleopatra or even the West
Side Story the love that will always
 transcend life and death to be 
forever everlasting just like the
tale of Tristan and Isolde who was
 pledge to marry the King but 
 loved his nephew instead both
 died horrible deaths still love
 with one another so if that is the
 kind of love you are looking for
 then you need to look up at the
 stars up in the midnight skies
 high above and maybe you just 
 might be the lucky one and see
 shooting stars falling across
another galaxy far far away then
wish real hard and hopefully it 
will be one of them and they will 
hear your pleas and take pity and 
grant you the love we seek so 
you and I can find and be
 together like those star crossed 
 lovers forever throughout all 
 eternity at least that is the wish 
 I just made on that falling star 
what happens next? Well as in 
anyone upon a time fairy tale 
and happily ever after we will just
need to wait and see the end, er 
to be continued....... 

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr
A #Poets Journey 


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