How long before the battles rage?

 How long before the battles rage?

This planet called earth and all of its
inhabitants that we all live on is dying
a little more each day as our God,
whom we all love, is watching with not
a single word to say, hate has taken
over, as evil now reigns the king. It
seems His son Jesus Christ our savior is
missing from the cross on which he
hanged for sins of our own faith. Looking
now from humanities gate where the
floodwaters are running high. How long
before all the battles rage for the war
that has already begun with religious
zealots, addicts, and false prophets filling
up their warrior ranks, as this war is
something different though, as our souls
are on the line for humanities, own
reflection can no longer be seen in the
mirror of humanity's own design. Our
morals have been falling with each
passing of the sun, as lust has murdered
what was left of love off, for it takes too
long to grow. Peace is a noble concept,
almost like a dream when you sleep at
night, yet it will never take hold as we
cannot even find it down deep inside our
own hearts, as man's thirst to take on
knowledge grows, temptation outweighs
fate, for he has bitten from the forbidden
fruits, that grow in the darkest place, man is
changing God's creations, from the blood
of his own race, changing his designs because
we believe as Satan did, he also believed
it is a better choice, which is causing more
pandemics that are one hundred times
deadlier than what we have already seen.
Then we have religious wars, someone
please tell me how that sounds okay
it sounds more like a conundrum because
God does not condone killing, especially
when it is in His name. Can we stop it?
Before it starts, the writings are on the wall.
So why don't you open your eyes and step
out into the light, stop burying your heads
in the sand, start looking all around you,
then take a good look at yourself and when
you are done. You tell me what you see and
remember that we have voices that can and
must be heard, so use it or you will lose it,
be a leader, not part of the herd. I Believe
right now is time to come together as
a voice of one person shouting as loud as
we can for we have waited much too long,
stand up, shout out go it in the name of love

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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