Hearts are meant to be broken

Hearts are meant to be broken. 

I want you to know that no matter
 what happens in my life you will
 always be my only one single regret,
 for you showed me what love feels
 like and kindness by the way you
 helped me feel again like a man and
 all the understanding of my
 thoughts feeliings and needs and
 the friendship we have always felt
 and for that you will always own
my soul. You are all of my passion
in this life as well as the future and
 the past, my well from where all of
 my ink flows from as your memories are what cause all the
 words in my poetry to come alive
 with all the emotion that makes me
 who I am today and will become in
 time, our souls will and always have
 been connected through all of time
 and will continue after this one, for
 you are my Juliette and I your
 Romeo you are my queen as in
 Cleopatra while I was your Mark
 Antony, always in each others life in
 a forbidden love you see hearts are meant to be broken time and time
 again it is what makes us stronger
 in the end when you are the moon
 and I the sun making love every
 night and morning as we come
 together among all of the stars
 twinkling like fireflies to light our
 way back home to do what every
 man and woman do when their
 hearts have beaten as one to make
 love the kind that you wish would
 never end but they always do, so
 God let's our hearts start to pound
 and our souls begin to dance for
 that one brief moment of eternity
 like we had in this forever so that
 we would always know what true
 love is, so whether we see one
 another again or we never spoke
 another word just know I am truly
 grateful for everything you and I
 have ever done and Iapologize for
 not knowing that before, so instead of wasting words and emotions in this life I will be there waiting for you in the next so you and I can try to make it work or at least be able to
 have our moment that God gives
us once yet again..

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey
Texas Poet Laureate Nominee 2016-2020


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