Baby boy

Baby boy

You are looking at the Soul of God when you
look into the eyes of a newborn, you cannot get
more pure of heart or innocence of soul.

When I wrote that I was thinking of every one of my boys. I may not be perfect, I am only human and as such prone to making mistakes, it is how we are wired, we are supposed to learn from them, not pay for them for the rest of your lives.

When I look back in my life at the
very few good things that I have
done one of the best was about
thirty-one years ago, I can very
much remember as if it were only
just yesterday as the teardrops
formed in my eyes when the
doctor looked over at me shook
my hand and he said as he handed
you to me "congratulations your
a father to a little baby boy" then
they fell down to the ground like
a hard summers rain, then I heard
for the very first time your tiny
little cry so I looked up and saw
the lighting in your eyes and
I knew right then that you had
a wild soul like mine, while I felt
all the thunder inside of you roar
when I held you softly in my arms,
which told me you were destined
for so much more than me, so I
cried that day many tears of joy,
way back then, but now, right
here today I am crying tears of
sadness for missing my oldest
boy, praying that maybe one day
I could find a way to somehow
turn back the hands of time,
wishing that I had done things
differently while making better
choices on all of the decisions
that I at the time controlled and
had better reactions on those
that were out of my control, but
thinking that regardless of
everything, either way, I am so
very proud of the man who you
are today, a father to your own
little baby boy who I know loves
you so very much you can see
that whenever he looks at you
just like I remember back when
you were young my son I could
see it on your face, maybe one
day you will find forgiveness in
your heart and a little bit of
understanding of the reason of
why I did what I felt I needed to
do for another little boy who
looks at me like your little boy
looks at you with nothing at all
but pure love in his eyes as I did
and always will still do with you.

Dedicated to you Michael my first baby boy oldest of my sons.

Love Dad


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