Loves war

Love is what makes humans it is who and what we truly are and where we are going in this life. Even though love is only just a four letter word it is a very complex one. It can mean so many things to so many people I think it has gotten lost over translation and time love is not word that you throw out there because we have all been conditioned to repeat back as if we were parrots doing a trick, For example there are so many different types, and meanings a whole lot of feelings which continuously reeling like The love between to star-cross lovers, between a mother and her son, between a brother and sister, don't forget the one between a dog and his master, even my love of early morning warm spring baseball game a hot dog and beer with all four of my sons and always remember what Pat Benatar says "Love is a battlefield" 

Loves war

Goodnight sweetheart I hope that you sleep
well and when you 
finally, close your eyes
and start 
to dream tonight it is one of 
sunny sandy white beaches and clear warm 
waters that are as green and bright as the 
sparkles the once lit up those beautiful eyes. 
I also want you to know that I will always 
remember that day just like it was only 
yesterday when we kissed like there was
nobody else who was around,  I first asked y
ou for permission then without any kind of 
hesitation you looked deeply into my eyes 
and said "yes, oh yes", then at that very 
moment of time and all of it's many
movements, you and I realized that we were 
so paralyzed while very petrified with love 
that it kind of scared us, but that did not stop 
us from walking down the aisle while listening 
to the sounds our wedding bells.
But here were are today both injured with 
lies of the bedroom kind marked and scared
by the many battles from all of our wars 
year after year of where we have been, and 
what we have heard or seen, while trying
so hard to find out just who it is that we 
both really are, just like two combat
soldiers from different sides coming home 
from a brutal and bloody war, neither side 
declared a winner, beaten down by each 
other and bruised from fighting what it is 
called "loves war." 
I have always felt it in my heart and 
deep down inside of my soul how much 
that I loved, just as I know that you 
have also in your way loved me, but it
has always been at different times than I was 
or in two separate places and that my 
dear is the one thing I know we both can
always agree. It is so blatantly obvious 
to everyone around that we have always for
unknown reason loved to hate each 
other, despite how many times we have 
come back together and now we even  hate 
to love one another, so now we just go back 
and forth like two fighters who are locked 
away in a cage while going round after 
round both being pounded by a love that is 
So let us both throw up the white flag together 
then call a truce and not go on any further and 
declare that this "loves war," is now over, walk 
away from each other while we are still able 
to even walk anywhere at all, let us declare that 
we have actually come to the final realization
that no matter how much replication with
ongoing dedication to the night time
mediation that our two sides our souls 
and hearts will never again get along.
When all of the smoke has finally cleared
while the last of the words are never
heard, I just want you to know and try 
very hard to understand that I am not angry
about who started what or why it was 
done or even how, for I will always remember
without a doubt that evening when you and I
heard all of the thunder from deep inside of us
then saw the lighting and fireworks from
places unknown in or our souls, from that 
very first kiss to the last one that we shall 
forevermore ever know.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey
Texas Poet Laureate Nominee 2016-2020


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