Dreams of laughter

Dreams of Laughter

I found this single flower all alone growing
in a field of emptiness reminding me of how
I feel right now, the beautiful color stood out
against the rest of the dried burnt leaves along
with the dying weeds, almost as if to say "that
even among all the chaos that is the world
today, the ugliness, hate, wars, rapes, dying
children in the streets and worse yet before they
are even born, homeless families, hopelessness,
it seems everywhere and more that I with all
of my beauty have risen out despair and sorrow",
it’s delicate petals gasping for air reaching out
and up to the light, "fear not the evil of the night
for the light shall always shine through the
darkest of days slaying ye nightmares of the
demons brigade along with the armies of the
dark angels from where the fires of hell burn
turning to dreams of laughter and joy of the
innocence of newborn baby girls and boys
opening their eyes for the very first time so that we
could see the soul God looking back at us for
that brief moment of time for the true definition
of what humanity should be as they are born of
love and only later through the ignorance of others
are they taught about hate therefor if we only
teach of love and understanding hate would in a
sense no longer be valid or matter after all.  
Out of the ashes life shall grow, so never give 
up on hope for without hope, we would not exist!

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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