You are

You are

The day that you and I had met
I knew that I needed your love,
holding hands on the beach,
kissing under the light of the moon,
hugging each other with a roaring
fire with the only thing that we
have on is the honesty between
us. If I ever knew what true love
actually is, it was you, for you
where the one that made my heart
to start pounding causing it to
beat out the rhythm of the music
of love, that is when we first looked
deeply into each other’s eyes,
while reaching through them and
grabbing on and holding on tight
to our two lonely souls, that is
when our souls connected and
yours started to dance with mine.
I believe that you are my muse,
you are the words that flow from
my ink, you are all of the poetry
from which I write and think, you
are the well that shall never run
dry, until the day that I myself lay
down my quill and God and his
angels take me back home, You
see when I think about real beauty
it is only you who I see when I
think about a smile in my mind it
is you who is smiling back at me,
when I think about the sunsets
when the sun makes love to the
moon it has always been you
laying down on that blanket on
some hot midsummers night
at the beach under the stars
and a full moon, you are every
wish that I have wished for
whenever I have seen a shooting
star, you are the princess in every
story that starts with a once upon
a time and I am the prince that
comes riding in for the happily
ever after while holding you tight
in my arms, when we wake up in
the morning and look over at you I
know it will not be just a dream
for you are all the reasons for
believing that fairy tales do come
true, as well as the wishes from
all the wishing wells, blowing out
candles on birthdays, and even
falling stars too, yes, it has always
been you and forever it shall be,
that I do believe in everything that
I do, for I know now that as I did
back them that dreams do come

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets dream


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