Passion for poetry the story will never end.

Passion for poetry the story will never end.

When I bumped into you by mistake
the other day and knocked that
book out of your hands I had know
idea that when we both leaned
down to pick it up I looked directly
town your blouse to see those
beautiful breast You tried so hard to
hide I knew that you saw me when
your nipples got very hard and I
thought man I need to introduce myself and apologize for my lack of
class and charm then we both
grabbed your book at the same time
what happened next is kinda still
blurry but I will tell you the best I
can your were reading Poetry by
Keats, Poe and Christopher Marlow
for the ink that spills on the pages
of all the verses filled by words
creating the poems that turn you on
making your heart beat faster and
your soul start dancing and that is
just what's first for hidden beneath
those layers of clothes and the shy
woman you show is the body of a
goddess the the hottest one of all
the desires of a freak in heat that
needs the feel that hard thrust of a
man as you are being naughty the
kind that does whatever you want
and more and then our eyes locked
onto each other and I saw your
naked soul touching itself in places
that only a woman could ever know
then I saw the demon that you let
loose when you can it saw me and
smiled licked her lips and said to
Hey you sexy me and her soul are
having a little party and want you to
be our man her heart is whispering
you turn her on she wants you very
bad reading poetry drinking wine
and conversation of intelligence and
deepness from a lover and a friend if
you read a book or understand
what poetry means not a limerick
from dirty old men but the kind that
brings a tear from a soul in pain or
the beating of two heart as one as
the make love all night on a beach in
the rain until the light of early dawn
a man who is all man but not afraid
to cry when a poem gets in his head
the birth of love when two lover
meet for the first time and
innocence is gone, the death of a
child born or lost, of a good friend
, the laughter of a house hold or the
tears when the laughter ends, to her
my friend that is sexy it is what
passion is all about so if you want
this woman then listen to our
whispers for the secrets to find the
key the one that opens the door to
heart then you will understand a
little time and patience and you can
have her demon that loves to play
at night behind closed doors when
anything goes, to her soul that she shows when others are around and
her heart that is yours so treat it like
A ton of gold treat her right with
love and honesty and she will be yours always and forever making
you feel like a king not needing
anything for she is your every dream
wants and desire. Then I saw us
making love every where we could
from the kitchen table, at the park, even the hood of the car in Ohio
, then I saw us growing old still
happily in love holding hands like
teenage kids as we rode off in the
sunset. Then I was back and here
we are just like nothing happened
at all, it was as if I was transported
into the book and was somehow
ingrained in the ink that was used
when the poet wrote the words I
was living in the all the emotions
feeling them as they were read and
written feeling all the passion of
Poet and now I understand, let me take you out tonight drink some
coffee read some poetry then go home and I will write a poem against
your skin until my ink is spent then
roll over let you do all work as you
ride me til the morning sun.  that is
what saw just now and she said yes
So even though this piece is over the
story will never end.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.


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