My People

My People

If you look around me you shall always 
forever see, all of my people, in every
single color, gender, and even nationality,
from white to black and every shade that 
comes in between every single one a 
citizen of earth Including you and me. 
You see I am colorblind and I do not care if
you are Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist,
Jewish or any other type of man-made 
religion for it is all the same to me and that is 
the Gods honest truth and what I truly do 
believe, peace on earth and goodwill towards
all men and woman no matter what you look
like on the outside because we are all the same
on the inside with beating hearts pounding 
out the pulse of life every second of every minute 
of every hour of every day as we bleed the
same color wherever you are and in every 
\walk of life red can you not see? Instead of
fighting over the color of our skins extend your 
hand out and become friends, let go of your
fears of things that you may not understand,
instead, learn everything you can about all 
your fellow man and then we can erase all 
the hate and let the love win.

Richard M Knittle Jr. ©
© A #Poets Journey


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